My Purpose:

To have a place to share my quest for a more organized home and life.

Tuesday, February 7, 2012

Week 6 Challenge- Recycling Center/system


The Week 5 challenge is for organizing recipes and cookbooks. I am still working on this organization, so I will make a post about that when I have completed my purging/organizing of those items.

The week 6 challenge is to make a recycling center in your home. We already have a very good system that works for us, so I just thought I would share it today.

We have a landing in the garage, just outside the kitchen door, that is large enough to hold these garbage cans that we use for recycled items. We don't need to sort our recyclables, we only sort out the aluminum cans, as we take those to the recycle center ourselves. When these blue cans are full we empty them into the larger curbside recycle cans outside the house. We have recycle pick up every other week. But we collect the recyclables on garbage day and take them out to the cans, whether its a recycle week or not.

Here is a few small cans that we put those special recycle items into, until we can dispose of them properly.
We have a few other trash cans in my craft room and the office, that only have paper items in them, so those also get emptied into the curbside recycle cans.

We have a small box by the fireplace that we burn paper items that we don't want to toss out, or we shred them in the summer when its too hot to have a fire. :)

Well that's our system. It works well for us, and we have been using it for quite a few years now, so the kids all know where each type of garbage goes.

Thanks for visiting today.

Have a Great Day!


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